West Bloomfield/Lakes Area Club
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021 - 03:10 pm
Zoom, MI Zoom
- REDISTRICTING UPDATE presented by AMANDA WEST who is part the MDP redistricting response team to help engage people across the state in this once-in-a-decade redistricting process. She will take a few minutes to update the group on the status of redistricting and actions we can take to ensure fair and equal maps.
- Introduction of elected officials and candidates who are present
- CLUB INFORMATION about our November 17 upcoming ELECTION MEETING
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2364954148?pwd=eFBWMWVQSXBaWnVxOUNoNWZ0MXRKUT09
Meeting ID: 236 495 4148 Password: 860053
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