About the Democratic Party

Our Vision

After four years of an unprecedented assault on Democratic values and democracy itself, our country -- with the critical support of Michigan and Oakland County -- voted in record numbers and elected President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. We are now an essential part of one of the most progressive moments in history. 

Not since FDR and LBJ has a Democratic agenda so boldly reflected the betterment of all people, elevating and expanding education; championing radical climate innovation, racial justice, criminal justice reform, gender equity, voting rights, gun safety, new-age transportation and road improvement; recognizing the value of women, reproductive freedom and the social infrastructure -- from child care to elder care -- that underpins our survival; aiming to recalibrate the economy and attack wealth inequality, with the potential to cut poverty in half; supporting unions, job creation and labor equity; prioritizing public health and so much more. 

President Biden is leading Democrats through a transformational time with "once in a generation" investments and a reimagining of good government that serves all of its people. And in spite of deep ideological divisions, the majority of Americans are solidly behind our vision of a country that is truly building back better, a country that has suffered from both a virulent pandemic and a deadly lack of leadership. This is our moment, and we no longer have to cloak our efforts in half measures and tentative gains.

In Michigan, we have a powerful trio of brilliant women at the helm and phenomenal Democratic Congressional leadership. Oakland County has a hard-won Democratic majority in executive offices and on the county commission. Our county is finally blue, but not all of it. We have stubborn pockets of resistance, especially in North Oakland. Republicans control our state legislature and their vision is in stark contrast to ours as they work to dismantle government, disenfranchise voters and destroy Michigan's economy and environment. 

We have our work cut out for us if we want to see our progressive vision become a reality and take back our state. Oakland County can play a pivotal role. We're the most powerful county party in the state, and we're investing in strengthening our value, relevance and viability every day.  

So why register as a Democrat? Because we need you to join us as we do the most important work of our lifetime, the work that will unify our country, our county and ensure the amazing potential of our future and all of our children, here in Oakland County and beyond. 

"It's time we remembered that 'we the people' are the government. You and I ..." -- President Joe Biden, April 28, 2021.  


Our Agenda

The Oakland County Democratic Party has identified several issues that we have put at the top of OUR agenda list. They are:

  • Voting Rights
  • Civil Rights
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Reproductive Freedom
  • Public Health Access and Expansion
  • Environmental Justice
  • Economic Equity

MDP Platform: MDP Platform

MDP Code of Conduct: MDP Code of Conduct Rules