OCDP Bylaws
A major review of the OCDP Bylaws passed in July 2020. Since then, minor updates have been made. Special thank you to the OCDP Rules and Bylaws Committee for all of their hard work.
Click here to read the OCDP Bylaws.
Click here to read the OCDP Standing Rules.
Robert's Rules & Parliamentary Procedure Webinar
On March 4, 2021, MDP Director of Party Affairs Hayley Alderman ran a Robert's Rules and Parliamentary Procedure webinar for the OCDP. You can watch a recording of the webinar, below (note: you will have tao enter the Access Passcode, which is below). You can find her slideshow that she presented by clicking here.
Additional Resources compiled by OCDP Parliamentarian Murray Gorchow
Our OCDP Parliamentarian, Murray Gorchow, has put together some Robert's Rules resources. You don't have to be an expert on Robert's Rules to participate in our meetings, but we hope that this information helps our meetings to run smoothly and to help everyone get more comfortable with the basics of Robert's Rules.
Click here for a Robert's Rules of Order Cheat Sheet, and here for a Summary of Motions. There are many others available online.
Here is a link to a YouTube video summary of the basics of Robert's Rules called "Robert's Rules of Order in a Nutshell":
We also recommend that OCDP membership feel free to go online by way of Google or YouTube to get even more information.
For those that are interested, you can also purchase Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th Edition, through the National Association of Parliamentarians, or We highly recommend Robert's Rules of Order - Newly Revised IN BRIEF, 3rd Edition, as a more user-friendly, less expensive concise guide, as compared to the rather dense complete Robert's Rules. In either case, we recommend the spiral-bound versions.
Michigan State Association of Parliamentarians (MSAP) Better Meetings, Happier Members education series: Click on the links for presentations from the series
1/19/21 - Gretchen Denton, PRP: "It's Elementary My Dear Watson: Parliamentary Basics"
1/19/21 - Barbara Bonsignore, PRP: "Making and Amending Motions"
3/16/21 - Julie Pioch, PRP: "There is a Motion for That!"