Lori's House

Kill That Bill with Fems for Dems

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 01:05 pm

Join the FEM Fatales as we fight the 39 Michigan Senate voter suppression bills!

These Wednesdays at Lori's events start this Wednesday, May 19th, and will take place at Lori's home.
Email info@femsfordemocracy.org if you need the address.

It's alarming that there are so many voter suppression bills that are currently in the process of making their way through state houses across the country. Michigan is also under attack.
TAKE ACTION and have your voice heard as we phonebank to let our legislators know that we want to stop these bills that make it harder to vote and hurt democracy. Our state has shown that there was no widespread voter fraud in the past election. Citizens of Michigan overwhelmingly voted to expand no reason absentee voting less than four years ago. Now we need to uphold the voice of the citizens of Michigan. Stop by for as long as you can. Remember to bring your laptop / iPad and a charger.