NARAL Disinformation Training
NARAL Disinformation Training w/ Fems for Democracy
In today’s polarizing culture, it is critical that we sharpen our skills to identify far-right extremist attacks on reproductive freedom and make the truth known: Reproductive Freedom is for EVERY BODY.
Join Fems for Democracy and NARAL Pro-Choice America for an in-depth NARAL training on disinformation surrounding reproductive freedom. NARAL Pro-Choice America is proud to bring this training to members of Fems for Democracy and the community at large.
The anti-choice movement knows they can’t win on the merits, so they’ve been pioneers in building the disinformation landscape we’re all dealing with today. Together, we will learn what disinformation is, how to identify it, and how to respond to it in our everyday lives.
Please reach out to Laura De Palma, Midwest Regional Organizing Manager (, if you have any questions.