Precinct Delegate Allocation 2016-2018

To see current list of Precinct Delegates follow this link:


April 7, 2016

Attached you will find the final Allotments for Democratic Precinct Delegates.

Just an fyi our process was (as is it typically is). . .

  • Present a proposed distribution formula to our Executive Committee (completed in January '16)
  • Solicit feedback on the formula from Democratic Clubs and sometimes local communities when the precincts have changed (completed in February '16)
  • Approve the final formula (completed in March '16)
  • Post the final formula on our website and submit to you all (now complete).

We've been circulating the attached numbers with few changes over the last 4 months.  The only thing we've been trying to adjust and get feedback on is how to best adjust for the precincts in communities you mentioned (highlighted in yellow).

There is nothing in Party rules that clearly illustrates how to handle those communities so if you have questions please feel free to contact me.


Thanks for your work.

Frank Houston