Rep. Sander Levin schools willfully ignorant Rep. Paul Ryan over Obamacare lies

Egberto Willies - Daily Kos article link 

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Congressman Paul Ryan had one of his unscheduled Obamacare bashing hearings this week. He continued to misinform with an opening speech that showed that the congressman and his ilk continue to put politics over the well-being of Americans.

Congressman Sander Levin's (D-MI) response was calm and concise. It is easy when you are speaking from a position of truth.

"What's busted is not ACA but your attacks on it, endless attacks," Levin said calmly and deliberately. "Never coming up with a single comprehensive alternative all these year. So you sit as armchair critics while millions of people have insurance who never had it before. Millions of kids have insurance who would not otherwise have had it. People who have preexisting conditions no longer are cancelled or can even get insurance. The donut hole is gone. Millions of people in lower income categories are now insured through Medicaid, millions and millions and millions. Cost containment is beginning to work. The increase in cost net rate is going down. And so you are livid because it is getting better. That's why you are livid. ... And the states that are denying their citizens further coverage under Medicaid, are essentially telling people, well get lost when it comes to health care. ... And you have a governor, Mr. Chairman, who is running around this country talking about the evils of health care when millions of people are benefiting from what happened. ... Your frustration is millions and millions and millions of people are benefiting, and have health care when they did not before."