Mlive Editorial states the may ways Snyder has failed Michigan

Snyder, Legislature putting Michigan on path of intolerance and regression

By MLive Media Group Editorial Board 
on June 13, 2015 at 6:30 AM, updated June 13, 2015 at 8:08 AM

In a stinging rebuke to Governor Snyder, who signed a set of bills allowing so-called “faith-based” adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples if they claim to be doing so because of “sincerely held” religious beliefs, the Mlive Editorial Board pointed out a number of ways the Rick Snyder has failed us:

Snyder failed 13,000 children in foster care by limiting their access to loving and stable forever homes when he signed the "religious objection" adoption bills.

With the same stroke of his pen, he failed the countless same sex couples who are ready, willing and able to provide homes to those needy and often troubled children by making it harder for them to adopt.

And he failed all Michigan residents by staining our image to the world as a state that supports bigotry. Those looking to locate their businesses and families in a progressive state certainly will not choose Michigan, with policies like this.

After the defeat of Proposal 1, there was an overwhelming outcry from voters that legislators should forfeit their summer break and pass a road funding deal — one that relied on new revenue rather than raiding funds from schools, cities and the poor.

Instead, we've seen a nonstop display of intolerance, anti-progress and anti-economic development sentiment, and a willingness to trample opposition underfoot — while ignoring pressing governance and policy issues.

And Snyder is signing these bills as fast as they hit his desk. Gov. Snyder, is this your vision for Michigan?