House Dems: General Fund Budget Doesn’t Do Enough for Michigan Families

"“Our state’s budget isn’t just a financial plan; it’s a reflection of the values and priorities of our state,” House Democratic Leader Tim Greimel (D-Auburn Hills) said."

In particular, House Democrats were disappointed that the budget:
- Calls for the closure or consolidation of several Department of Human Services offices, including one in economically stressed Highland Park.
- Failed to allocate adequate road funding and appropriated none of the increase in transportation funding to public transit, which many working families rely on to get to work.
- Failed to hold the Michigan Economic Development Corp. accountable after it was discovered that runaway corporate tax breaks will cost our state more than $9 billion in coming years.
- Closes the W.J. Maxey Training School, a center for youth offenders that has a proven track record of preventing recidivism.
- Fails to protect our firefighters by denying to fund a presumption that working around harmful substances such as asbestos causes an abnormally high rate of certain cancers among firefighters.